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What happens to food waste: The zero-waste cycle of a Greenlid

Updated: Mar 28, 2021

As a company, we always want to be one step ahead when it comes to innovating our products. To do that, and do it right, we need to understand the problems the world is facing and where we can make the greatest impact. That is how eliminating food waste from the landfill became our obsession.

Why should we care? Not only is food waste a waste of money, but it’s also one of the main sources of greenhouse gases when food ends up in landfills, which inevitably, but it also does.

According to the David Suzuki Foundation, about 20% of Canada’s methane emissions (a potent greenhouse gas) come from landfills.

So we developed a compost bin that's 100% zero waste to solve this problem. If all Canadians switched to composting, we could get rid of that 20% of greenhouse gases coming from landfills. With busy lives and confusing rules at each Canadian curbside pickup, combined with the complete grossness of rotting food in the kitchen it’s understandable that food sometimes ended up in the trash. That’s why we used waste (end-life-recycled cardboard headed for the landfill) to make a compost bucket that could simplify the whole food recycling process in your kitchen and follow even the most strict Green Bin guidelines. So what really happens to food waste when you use a Greenlid?

Greenlid's 100% compostable and biodegradable products

Some of Greenlid's amazing figures

Zero Waste is a lifestyle that is interpreted in many ways depending on your goals. Some focus on reducing packaging, others picking the “ugly” fruit. We strive to live a zero-waste through the standard of the 4 R’s, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and ROT.

4 R's of zero waste

If you can live by those 4 R’s you can live gently on the earth and leave as little trace as possible for the future. With simple everyday habits of properly composting your food and choosing alternatives to plastics, each person can have a zero-waste life cycle just like your Greenlid does.

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